Launch of Aguila Consulting

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Published on: July 14, 2013

The world of technology is fast and constantly changing. Online businesses have increased tremendously in the last five years. Search engines, constantly changing their algorithm to improve the metrics on how one’s website should rank.


With all these, it is important that you keep yourself at par with these changes. Good thing you found our blog. We will be featuring a variety of tech posts and online marketing techniques to help you with your online business. You may call me Aguila – a techie geek who owns a successful online consulting business. Find more about who I am and what I do on the About Page.

Today marks the launching of this website, and in the next coming weeks, we will continue to update these with blog posts to help you bring your online business moving forward. Don’t worry you don’t have to be a geek like me – all you need is eyes to read.

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